Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Wedding Preparation

Today is a great day to do some wedding things. So I decided to be at Melody's bright and early to work on all of the important things and be as supportive as possible as she works on the Stop Motions for the save the date and the wedding website. We are probably 2 months behind on save the dates, and the stop motion while not being the greatest stop the motion the world has ever seen, has a definite DIY appeal that might be enjoyable for a certain demographic. And the rumor is the flowers are really cute, and the night city backdrop is phenomenal.

I also took on the task of continuing our work on the registry. I am not sure if it is too soon to start doing those things, but I am really enjoying it and that is all that matters. Melody says we should wait to see what we need or where we are going to live before putting things on the website we need, I say we should just put these things on there because we would be really lucky to get them and even if we can't use them I know lots of people who will. I put some XBOX things on the list, Melody says we don't need a controller or a game, but I reminded her if we don't get one then she will just have to watch me, and that won't be fun. Target has been our go to for registry work, but we also got hooked up on the my registry website, so we can add lots of other things too from a wide variety of stores, and Melody can try to get as many things from Anthropologie as will allow.

We also are working on refining the guest list and having Melody's parents send us a final copy so that is exciting. And lots of people have been being really mean to Melody lately so that is making the guest list smaller, which is never a bad thing, because it opens up more possibilities for plus ones.

I am hoping we can have some time to start with the wedding website layout today, and start browsing potential places to live, and work on things for Tiffany's wedding too. I was successful in turning in my passport application this weekend, so we can now say we are probably going to be leaving the country for our honeymoon, so that is exciting.

Thoroughly enjoyed Jennie and Carlos' wedding this weekend, and cannot wait to enjoy all of the weddings in between the time we are supposed to be married.

- Taylor

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Saturday afternoon hangout with Harry Potter

Ever since moving to so cal, Taylor and I don’t have the luxury of living 20 minutes away from each other anymore. (at one point, we even lived a 5 minute walk from each other!) So since it’s not as convenient to hang out at each others places, one of our new favorite spots to hang out down here is the park. (We learned the hard way during a trip to the zoo last year that I don’t actually like to engage in any sort of physical activity other than eating and sitting, so we try to avoid going places that require too much physical exertion . (but more on that story some other time)) So this weekend, we headed out to the park and took a few pictures.
Anyway, I was just sitting there soaking in the summery late afternoon sun when I noticed that Taylor was being really quiet. So I turned around to see what he was doing, and all of a sudden, i see taylor staring up at me through the Harry Potter glasses that we (or shall we say I) won at Chuck e Cheese with the goofiest grin I’ve ever seen plastered on his face. Don’t you think he seriously looks so hilarious/creepy?? I was really jealous and had him take a picture of me wearing the glasses too, but mine came nowhere near topping his….
As you can see, we are clearly way too easily amused. I really hope for your sake that you had a more exciting weekend than ours!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cute Outing

Sunday was such a cute outing. Myself and Melody went to Target to buy Melody’s mom a slow cooker for Mother’s Day. Today is mother’s day in Mexico if anyone was wondering. It is always May 10th, doesn’t have to be on Sunday. So we went and bought the slow cooker, and I needed to get some replacement brushes for my Sonicare so we bought those too. When we bought everything, the cashier said, “Oh what a shame, here are $5 off coupons for Sonicare brusheads you could have used.” Yes, what a shame.

So we returned the brusheads right away and we bought them again with the coupon, saving $5. Some may say why would we go through all that trouble just to save 5$. We say, “the greatest risk in life is never taking one.”


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

25th birthday at Leona Valley Winery

leona valley

leona valley 2
A few weekends ago, Taylor took me to the Leona Valley Winery for my birthday. It was such a beautiful day; we even had gourmet pizza with our wine, and got to take a bottle of my favorite tasting home! Taylor says that when we’re married i’m dreaming if he thinks we’ll still do stuff like this- so, i thought it’d be a good idea to take pictures to make sure we would be able to remember the times when he still did nice things for me.


p.s. That dog was soooooooo cute! he even had a limp which was realllly sad, but still made him even cuter… i wanted to take him home but taylor wouldn’t let me…