Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Wedding Preparation

Today is a great day to do some wedding things. So I decided to be at Melody's bright and early to work on all of the important things and be as supportive as possible as she works on the Stop Motions for the save the date and the wedding website. We are probably 2 months behind on save the dates, and the stop motion while not being the greatest stop the motion the world has ever seen, has a definite DIY appeal that might be enjoyable for a certain demographic. And the rumor is the flowers are really cute, and the night city backdrop is phenomenal.

I also took on the task of continuing our work on the registry. I am not sure if it is too soon to start doing those things, but I am really enjoying it and that is all that matters. Melody says we should wait to see what we need or where we are going to live before putting things on the website we need, I say we should just put these things on there because we would be really lucky to get them and even if we can't use them I know lots of people who will. I put some XBOX things on the list, Melody says we don't need a controller or a game, but I reminded her if we don't get one then she will just have to watch me, and that won't be fun. Target has been our go to for registry work, but we also got hooked up on the my registry website, so we can add lots of other things too from a wide variety of stores, and Melody can try to get as many things from Anthropologie as will allow.

We also are working on refining the guest list and having Melody's parents send us a final copy so that is exciting. And lots of people have been being really mean to Melody lately so that is making the guest list smaller, which is never a bad thing, because it opens up more possibilities for plus ones.

I am hoping we can have some time to start with the wedding website layout today, and start browsing potential places to live, and work on things for Tiffany's wedding too. I was successful in turning in my passport application this weekend, so we can now say we are probably going to be leaving the country for our honeymoon, so that is exciting.

Thoroughly enjoyed Jennie and Carlos' wedding this weekend, and cannot wait to enjoy all of the weddings in between the time we are supposed to be married.

- Taylor

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